A major new EU project, CLIMB-FOREST, will create an overview of European forests and forestry over a period of four-and-a-half years. The aim is to be able to guide the forestry industry and decision-makers through these complex issues using tools and models. There is a lot of expertise in each individual country, but there is no coordinated overview of Europe’s forests and forest health.
Adam Kristensson is a researcher in nuclear physics at the Faculty of Engineering, LTH, focusing on airborne particles’ effect on the climate, and active in the strategic research area MERGE. He became involved in the project because he was concerned that various EU decisions would be made without having knowledge or understanding of climate issues relating to forestry:
- It is important that we compile previous and new data and show how different climate parameters affect each other through modelling. There is a need for a better scientific foundation for decision-making, if we are to reach our climate goals and develop strategies for those who work in forestry and the manufacture of forestry products.
One of the problems today is that essentially only the uptake of carbon dioxide is considered. That is misleading, researchers say, because all the effects on the climate resulting from forests and how they are used ought to be taken into consideration.
Read the entire article about the new project:
New research project can provide guidance on how European forestry should be conducted