EC-Earth General Assembly 2022
The EC-Earth General Assembly will be held hybrid during Oct. 11 – 13, 2022. The theme of the EC-Earth GA will be on the development of next generation of Earth System models and EC-Earth4. We will review the new science and technology in the Earth system modelling; revisit and report science outcome of, and lessons learned from EC-Earth3; and discuss the progress in EC-Earth4 development.
We invite presentations from the community that contribute to the themes of the meeting, as well as from studies using the EC-Earth model in various configurations or relevant to EC-Earth model development. As last year, we also welcome short presentations (2-slides) that inform the community research ideas and new results.
Venue: stora hörsalen, Pufendorfinstitute, Biskopsgatan 3 Lund
Tuesday Oct 11
09:45 Registration with coffee/tea
10:15 Welcome - Shuting Yang and organization group
10:30 Co-creating the future CMIP
Eleanor O'Rourke (Director of the WCRP international Project office for CMIP)
11:00 Earth system modelling with the IFS: Ongoing activities and future plans
Thomas Jung (Alfred Wegener Institute)
11.30 leg strech
11:40 Science presentations I
11:45 Katinka Bellomo: Impacts of a weakened AMOC on precipitation over the Euro-Atlanticregion in the EC-Earth3 climate model
12:00 Katherine Power: Impacts of large scale Saharan solar farms on the global terrestrial carbon cycle using EC-Earth model 3.3.1.
12:15 Annika Drews: Role of the subpolar North Atlantic region in skillful climate predictions for high northern latitudes: Design of a pacemaker experiment and first results
12:30 Federico Fabiano: Long-term climate response in a set of abrupt stabilization scenarios with EC-Earth3
12:45 Etienne Tourigny: EC-Earth3-CC : An Earth System model for predicting and understanding the global carbon cycle. Lessons learned from CMIP6 and other projects and plans for EC-Earth4-CC
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Science presentations II
14:00 Laura Muntjewerf: The KNMI Large Ensemble Time Slice (KNMI-LENTIS)
14:15 Thomas Reerink: Reducing the NH cold bias and the piControl /historical oscillations by retuning EC-Earth3.
14.30 New projects with EC-Earth participation
RESCUE:Response of the EarthSystem to overshoot, Climate neUtrality and negative Emissions:
Raffaele Bernardello
DestinE Climate Adaptation: Jost von Hardenberg
ASPECT – Francisco J Doblas Reyes
EERIE - Thomas Jung
Inpetus4change – Pablo Ortega
OptimESM – Torben Königk
15:30 Coffee/Tea break
16:00 EC-Earth4 WG report: Klaus Wyser
16.25 Tech WG report: Philippe le Sager
16.45 Break-out Group meeting (BOGs) #1 - ECE4 Hands-on
and steering group meeting (partly parallel)
18:00 End of day 1 and transfer to restaurant
18:30 Dinner at Stadsparken
Wednesday Oct 12
Ben Smith (Director of Research Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment and MERGE, Lund University)
9:30 Science presentations III
9:30 Jan Streffing: AWI-CM3 / ECE4-F The unstructured ocean alternative version of ECE4
9:45 Tommi Bergman: Earth system impacts of a realistic ocean alkalini sation scenario in EC-Earth3
10:00 Marion Devilliers: Ocean response to freshwater forcing around Greenland in EC-Earth3
10:15 Marianne Madsen: Ice sheets in EC-Earth
10:30 Tian Tian: The role of turbulent heat fluxes through sea ice leads: An ongoing study using the coupled EC-Earth3
10:45 Coffee/Tea break
11:00 2 min flash talks
Klaus Wyser, Pasha Karami, Annemarie Eckes-Shephard, Carl Svenhag, Andre Jueling, Claire Donnelly, Wenxin Zhang, Paolo Davini, Tido Semmler, Virna Meccia
11:30 Science presentations IV
11:30 Montserrat Costa Suros: New ice nucleation parameterizations in IFS / EC-Earth3
11:45 Bo Christiansson: Some results regarding stratospheric dynamics in EC-Earth3
12:00 Stefano Della Fera: On the use of IASI spectrally resolved radiances to test the EC-Earth climate model (v3.3.3) in clear-sky conditions.
12:15 Annalisa Cherchi: Effects of aerosols reduction on the Asian summer monsoon prediction: the case of summer 2020
12:30 Fransje van Oorschot: Towards a more realistic representation of seasonal and inter-annual vegetation dynamics in LSMs using satellite observations
12:45 Emanuele Di Carlo: Impact of realistic vegetation cover on climate prediction.
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Reports from WGs:
CMIP and Tuning WG: Jos von Hardenberg
Ocean and Sea Ice: Raffaele Bernardello
Land and Vegetation: Andrea Alessandri, Paul Miller and Lars Nieradzik
Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols: Twan van Noije
15:30 Coffee/Tea break
16:00 2 min flash talks
Tommi Bergman, Xia Lin, Aude Carreric, Miguel Andrés-Martínez, Ruijian Gou, Fatemeh Ghasemi
16.20 BOG #2
17:00 Reception and poster session
Thursday 13 Oct
9:00 ECMWF: progress and plans
Andy Brown (ECMWF)
9:30 Science highlights from UKESM1 and looking forwards to UKESM2 and beyond
Colin Jones (NCAS and University of Leeds)
10:00 Paleoclimate WG report: Qiong Zhang
10:20 Climate prediction: Pablo Ortega
10.40 Coffee/Tea break
11.10 Reports from BOGs #1 and #2
11:30 Final discussion
12:30 Final remarks and closure
13:00 Lunch
Registered participants
André Jüling
Andrea Alessandri
Anna Lewinschal
Annalisa Cherchi
Annemarie Eckes-Shephard
Annika Drews
Arti Jadav
Aude Carreric
Carl Svenhag
Cheng Shen
Christian Rodehacke
Christian Stepanek
Christopher Danek
Claire Donnelly
David Wårlind
Declan O'Donnell
Dmitry Sein
Eleanor O'Rourke
Elisa Bergas-Massó
Emanuele Di Carlo
Eric Ferrer Escuin
Erik Swietlicki
Esteban Rodríguez-Guisado
Etienne Tourigny
Eveline van der Linden
Fatemeh Ghasemi
Federico Fabiano
Fernanda DI Alzira Oliveira Matos
Francisco Doblas-Reyes
Franco Catalano
Fransje van Oorschot
Gerbrand Koren
Hao Zhou
Helena Barbieri de Azevedo
Helena Martins
Jan Streffing
Jing Tang
Johan Friberg
Jose Antonio Parodi Perdomo
José María Rodríguez González
Jost von Hardenberg
Katherine Power
Katinka Bellomo
Klaus Wyser
Lars Nieradzik
Laura Muntjewerf
Laura Thölix
Manu Anna Thomas
Marcus Köhler
María Gonçalves Ageitos
Marianne S. Madsen
Marion Devilliers
Martin Lindahl
Martin Werner
Miguel Andrés-Martínez
Miguel Castrillo
Moa Sporre
Montserrat Costa Suros
Ning Cao
Pablo Ortega
Paolo Davini
Pasha Karami
Paul Miller
Paul Nolan
Philippe Le Sager
Pirkka Ollinaho
Pontus Roldin
Qiong Zhang
Raffaele Bernardello
Risto Makkonen
Robert Klöfkorn
Ruijian Gou
Saji Varghese
Shiyu Wang
Shuting Yang
Stefano Della Fera
Susanna Corti
Thomas Jung
Thomas Reerink
Tian Tian
Tido Semmler
Tommi Bergman
Torben Koenigk
Torben Schmith
Twan van Noije
Ulrika Willén
Uwe Fladrich
Valerio Lembo
Virna Meccia
Vladimir Lapin
Wenxin Zhang
Werenfried F.M. Spit
Wilhelm May
Xia Lin
Yohan Ruprich-Robert
Zheng Duan
Zhengyao Lu
Zhenqian Wang
To read more about the EC-Earth community please visit the EC-Earth website.