Upload abstract for the Swedish Climate Symposium 2024
To submit your abstract, fill in the form below and attach your abstract as a PDF-file.
Instructions for submitting
Please use our template to submit your abstract, indicating your preference for your presentation type (oral or poster). You should select the session that best suits your abstract. Abstracts that do not meet the requirements of the template, will not be taken into consideration.
Download the template for abstracts (word)
Download the template for abstracts (pdf)
By default, the corresponding author will also be the presenting author in case the abstract is accepted for oral or poster presentation. Abstracts should only be submitted if the corresponding author plans to attend the Swedish Climate Symposium.
All abstracts will be reviewed and scored and subsequently accepted for presentation or rejected. Abstracts that are submitted for oral presentation but not selected for oral communication could be referred to one of the poster sessions. You will receive a decision on your abstract by email in mid February. The decisions of the selection committee are final. All accepted abstracts and an index of authors will be published in an online abstract book.
For questions, please visit the Swedish Climate Symposium Information page:
Swedish Climate Symposium Information and FAQ
Register for the symposium
Registration for the symposium will open in the coming weeks. You will still need to register separately even if offered a presentation slot.
Registration and conference fees - swedishclimatesymposium.com
Submit your abstract
Submit your abstract by using the form below

Swedish Climate Symposium webpage
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